‘Riyadh Rocks!’ Poetry Contest: Calling all high school poets and poetry enthusiasts.
Jump into our first ever Riyadh Rocks! Poetry Contest for high schools students in Riyadh.
Contestants may submit up to three poems, but only one per category:

Submission Deadline: February 2, 2025
Awards – February 19, 2025 – at Alfaisal University

Prizes in each category include an invitation to our awards ceremony February 19th at Alfaisal University.

  • Top three winners: a certificate for each of the top three poems in each category.
  • Top two winners: a certificate and an invitation to read your poem to an audience of family, friends, and co-contestants.
  • Top winner: a certificate, an invitation to read your poem to an audience of family, friends, and co-contestants, and a personalized troph

And….we will publish several winning poems in Alfa Press, the Alfaisal University newspaper.

Poem Details:

  • No identifying information (e.g., name, school, grade) should appear on the poem itself.
  • All poems must be between 3-20 lines (excluding title) and submitted in PDF.
  • Poems must be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font and double spaced.
  • Contestants may submit up to three poems, but no more than one per category.
  • All submissions must be uploaded to the contest submission portal.

Judging Criteria:

Poems will be judged based on:

  • Creativity
  • Poetic technique
  • Concrete imagery
  • Emotional impact
  • Clarity & coherence

Final notes:

The contest is open to all high school students (G9-G12) currently enrolled in a high school in Riyadh.
With the exception of the AI-GENERATED category, all poems must be original student work.
Poems must not have been previously published or submitted in other contests.

Department & Programs


Chemistry is essential to the development of society and offers solutions to today's challenges including environmental issues, sustainable energy, and the development of new medicines.

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Humanities & Social Sciences

The Department is primarily concerned with instilling, promoting and refining the university students' 'Faith', 'Knowledge', and 'Performance'; the crucial underpinnings determined by the late King Faisal (MGBHS) for the advancement of the nation.

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Life Sciences

Department of Life Sciences is to promote understanding of the function of molecules, cells, tissues and organs with a concentration on hereditary factors and genetic mechanisms controlling fundamental biological processes, particularly in relation to the human body..

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Mathematics & Computer Science

Mathematics is critical to the understanding of scientific and engineering concepts as nature laws are best described in a mathematical language, and as engineering concepts are modeled and achieved through mathematical tools.

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The Department of Physics at Alfaisal University provides high quality physics education, producing well prepared graduates who are confident in their abilities and understanding of various physics subjects. To accomplish this mission, the department relies on its world-class faculty members.

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English Department

We want Alfaisal students to be well-known for their dynamic critical thinking and communication skills as they interact across cultures and organizations. Our first-year composition sequence takes a rhetorical approach to academic writing.

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Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

The Master's Program in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology provides a solid background in materials chemistry, solid state physics, and an introduction to biotechnology.

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University Preparatory Program (UPP)

The AUPP is a centre of excellence in teaching sciences and English. Our experienced instructors, as teachers and mentors, are here to facilitate your learning and the transition to the college of your choice.

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